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  5. Spirit Of Noise 01/02/2012
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mercredi 1er février 2012

Spirit Of Noise 01/02/2012 :

- Emission : ICI

- (Groupe // Morceau // Album // Label)

- NO WARNING // Short fuse // Ill blood // Bridge nine Rds // 2002
- ALCATRAZ // Get fucked // Smile now cry later // Demons runamok entertainment // 2011
- PERSPECTIVE // No much has changed // Denver crew Demo // Self released // 2011
- SACRED LOVE // Dividing lines // Dividing lines // Youngblood Rds // 2011
- HOUNDS OF HATE // Born alone // No redemption // Katorga Rds // 2011
- HOMICIDAL // Like your last // State of mind ! // Eulogy Recordings // 2011
- CAUGHT IN A CROWD // Intro/Where island // You’ve lost // Camp Rds // 2011
- BUNKUM // United Colors // Dog’s Life // HxC Trooper Rds+Mass Prod+Complot Matsa // 2008
- CRIPPLE BASTARDS // Italia di merda // Frammenti di vita // Deep six Rds // 2011
- KICKED IN // Urban decay+Cramping my style // Demo // Self released // 2010
- REFUSED // New Noise // The shape of punk to come // Burning Heart Rds // 1998
- DEAD END PATH // Skeleton key to the cemetry // Blind faith // Triple-B Rds // 2011
- ROTTING OUT // Skin // Vandalized // 6131 Rds // 2009
- THE VIBRATORS // He’s a psycho // Demo’s and rarities // Gig Rds // 1999
- DUCKHUNT // Intro/Sleep through the cracks // Demo // Self released // 2004
- TAKE OFFENSE // Deadline // Peace in death // Mind desease rds // 2011
- LOOK ALIVE // Intro/Both feet on the ground // Both feet on the ground // Lockin’out Rds // 2004
- BIOHAZARD // Countdown doom // Reborn in defiance // Nuclear blast // 2012